Sunday, April 26, 2009

Welcome To Our Blog!

We have finally decided to enter the world of bloggers! Hopefully this will help keep us up-to-date with our family and friends. It is amazing how the world of technology keeps on getting better and yet, we seem to remain out of touch with those we hold dear in our lives. We welcome you to learn a little about our everyday lives as we share with you what is important to us and our family.

Early in our married life, I began scrapbooking as a way to record the lives and expriences of members of my family, preserving memories and hopefully stories for many years to come. This became a great hobby in my life. A couple of years ago, my sister introduced me to the world of digital scrapbooking. At first, I kept telling her that I liked doing it the traditional way (which I did). In all actuality, I couldn't really imagine how cool digital scrapbooking could be. When my sister showed me some of her pages, I knew it would replace traditional scrapbooking in my life. Working with computer graphics has always interested me and this was just the next step in doing just that, plus I had begun to do some graphic editing for my aunt for a little part-time work. Instantly the two (work and digital scrapbooking) meshed together so that what I do in one can easily be applied to the other. Since I use Adobe Photoshop for work, it was an easy way to creat my scrapbook pages. Over the last two years I have created more than 150 digital scrapbook pages! It still takes time and concentrated effort, but the benefits of doing it digitally outweighs traditional work. With digital scrapbooking there is virtually no mess which means no cleanup!!! Besides, starting and stopping my scrapbooking, just means saving my work on the computer and then minimizing my work so someone else can use the computer. My kids have learned all they have to do is minimize what I'm working on and then they can play or work on the computer.

Recently, my brother-in-law created a website that offers excellent, professional tips and instruction on how to use Adobe Photoshop for digital scrapbooking. His website is If any of you are interested in learning to scrapbook digitally, I would highly recommend his website as it is extremely professional training at a great price.

This scrapbook page to the left is one that I've recently created after our family went to West Jordan, Utah for Spring break. We stayed with Aunt Jan and Great-Aunt Lois Ann & Great-Uncle Myron while there. It was a wonderful time to visit with family as many of Tony's siblings and nieces and nephews were also there. We were lucky enough to take in a beautiful day at Hogle Zoo with Chris, Kurtis and Eric as well as a beautiful new friend Rachel. We are so happy that they allowed us to tag along with them at the zoo!

This next page is of our oldest on his first day of middle school last fall. He went from an elementary school with 50 kids in his class to the middle school where he now has more than 300 students in the 6th grade. I love this page because I was able to take my photo of the school and make them into a pencil sketch as well as blend several photos to end up with a panoramic photo of the school--of course these would never be options for traditional scrapbooking, another plus for going digital!

Okay, so enough for today. I'll try and update our blog when fun things happen in our family and also when I complete new scrapbook pages. I have a private album on picasa so if you want me to send you a link to all my 150+ pages, let me know.

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully a few of you will post comments.